ARCHIVED - Energy Information

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The NEB’s Energy Information Program plays a vital role getting objective and neutral information to Canadians and the world. Changing energy markets and the need for climate policy development means this information is more essential than ever. And it shows. This past year alone, Canadians accessed the NEB’s online Energy Information nearly 730,000 times. Energy information data visualizations added 150,000 additional website hits.
To feed this need for information, the NEB releases several major energy reports each year, along with weekly market snapshots, to monitor markets and assess energy requirements and trends. These reports provide valuable information to economists, academics and not-for-profit organizations, just to name a few. The reports cover information ranging from estimates of how much oil is moved by trains to supply and demand projections for energy.

Renewable Energy
One of our most popular publications this year was an assessment of Canada’s Renewable Power Landscape. The report examined the current state of renewable power in each province and territory and the policies that have been used to spur investments in the sector. The report found that in the past 10 years, Canada’s wind capacity grew by 20 times and its solar capacity grew by 125 times. The report also ranks Canada as the second largest producer of hydroelectricity in the world.
Want to learn more about renewable energy in Canada and how we stack up? Check out the report.

Data Visualizations
Building on our flagship report – Canada’s Energy Future, the NEB has teamed up with leading data visualization experts in both academia and industry to create the Exploring Canada’s Energy Future interactive online tool. This pilot concept has shaped a new initiative that will transform the way the NEB plans to share data going forward. All the data is downloadable and shareable. The chart images are also downloadable, and if you are interested in the source code for the visualizations, it is available on the government’s Open Government portal.
It’s never been so easy to explore Canada’s energy landscape.

Interactive Pipeline Map
In 2015, the NEB launched its first pipeline map showing the location of recent reportable incidents. This year, the NEB has improved on this map by adding the locations of its regulated pipelines along with the kind of product being carried and who operates the pipe. The interactive map allows the user to zoom to the neighborhood level to view a specific pipeline, the surrounding area and any incidents that have occurred. The incident data was that was previously available, is now shown alongside the pipeline locations.
Find out about pipeline safety in your area by visiting the interactive map.

NEB Data Hub
Following on the trend of readily available data, the NEB has also launched its Data Hub. The Data Hub is a one stop shop for to a range of regulatory performance data, including a table of company commitments and their status, non-compliances that we have identified through our inspections and other oversight work, and most recently, incident cause data – a direct result of feedback we received in Pipeline Safety Trust Report about the information stakeholders wanted to see.
Check out the Data Hub for yourself for a quick index of NEB data.
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