Inspection Officer Order issued to Trans Mountain

July 10, 2023

We issued an Inspection Officer Order No. AML-001-2023 to Trans Mountain for not properly following its approved Socio-Economic Effects Monitoring Plan for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (Project).

The Socio-Economic Effects Monitoring Plan was created to monitor impacts on communities during project construction. If the community is being negatively impacted, Trans Mountain must take steps to lessen impacts.

During a review, an Inspection Officer and Indigenous Monitors determined that Trans Mountain was not properly incorporating qualitative data related to worker and local business accommodations in the North Thompson Region. The CER also received direct community feedback on these issues.

Companies must be proactive in managing socio-economic impacts during project construction. As a result, we have ordered Trans Mountain to:

  • Complete the actions listed in Table 5 of the Socio-Economic Effects Monitoring Plan [Filing A84618] by August 4, 2023.
  • Provide a description of learnings related to monitoring and addressing the Project-related socio-economic effects by August 14, 2023.
  • Provide a corrective action plan that includes how it will ensure qualitative data is included in future Socio-Economic Effects Monitoring Reports by August 21, 2023.

We will continue following up with Trans Mountain to make sure that it is following the measures outlined in the Inspection Officer Order.

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