NGTL GP 2024 Meter Stations and Laterals Abandonment Program

Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Project Background

NGTL GP Ltd. on behalf of NGTL Limited Partnership (NGTL GP) has filed an application to abandon 27 meter stations, 32 lateral pipelines, loops or producer tie-ins (Facilities), all of which are part of the NGTL System.

NGTL GP proposes to remove of approximately 0.34 m of lateral pipelines, ranging between Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 4 and NPS 10, and abandon in-place of approximately 182.31 km of lateral pipelines, ranging between NPS 4 and NPS 10.

For the meter stations, all above-ground facilities, including the meter stations buildings, yard piping, and unnecessary fencing and gravel, will be permanently removed. Where an above-ground facility is required to remain on site for operational purposes, the fencing together with the appropriate gravel pad will remain but the size of footprint of the fencing may change. Where side valves are not required for operational use, they will be removed. Where side valves are required for operational purposes, they will not be abandoned and will remain part of the connecting operating pipeline.

The Facilities are located in Alberta on freehold lands, public lands managed by Special Areas Board Area No. 2 and No. 3, and provincial Crown lands. No new permanent land rights are required for the work associated with abandonment activities. Temporary workspace (TWS) may be required during physical abandonment activities. Should TWS be required, it will be located on or directly adjacent to existing land rights.

The proposed abandonment activities are anticipated to take place between Q1 2025 and Q1 2026.

Timeline and Documents


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Land Matters Advisory Service
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803

Media Inquiries

Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265

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