Message from the Chief Executive Officer
The regulation of energy infrastructure in Canada reached a significant milestone in 2019, with the creation of the Canada Energy Regulator. The CER is a new organization that takes a modern approach to energy regulation. I am honoured to provide this forward to the Canada Energy Regulator’s 2019-20 Annual Report.

2019-20 was a year of change for the organization. With the coming-into-force of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, we implemented a modernized mandate. As part of that, the organization welcomed a new Board of Directors and Commission. Under the leadership of Chairperson Cassie Doyle and Lead Commissioner Damien Côté, respectively, the Board and Commission have integrated seamlessly into the CER. I would like to thank the Board for its vision and strategic leadership; and the Commission for its dedication and commitment to adjudicative excellence during this inaugural year of the CER. We are, together, making significant strides towards realizing the commitments of the CER Act.
I would also like to thank the CER’s staff who planned, listened and worked together to seamlessly transition the organization from the National Energy Board (NEB) to the CER. Their professionalism, values and passion – and their commitment to making the CER an effective and responsive organization is evident in our accomplishments. Not only did the organization manage this transition seamlessly, we strengthened and deepened our commitment to regulatory excellence, employing new legislative tools, clear policy objectives, and a new governance structure. We also worked hard with stakeholders and Indigenous peoples, who have provided advice and wisdom that drives us to continually improve.
In addition to the establishment of the CER, I am proud of the work that is done every day to ensure that projects are constructed, operated and abandoned in a safe and secure manner that protects people, property and the environment. Some highlights of this past year include:
- In the summer of 2019, the Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX/TMEP) Project was restarted and significant resources and efforts were dedicated to the issuance of regulatory decisions and oversight of construction of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. This includes consideration of Project condition-compliance, in-field inspections carried out with Indigenous monitors, and detailed route hearings. The CER significantly improved the ability of the public to explore, learn and research CER-regulated project conditions for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project through interactive and downloadable Project Condition information on our website.
- Our work with both the TMX and Enbridge Line 3 (Line 3) Indigenous Advisory Monitoring Committees (IAMC) shapes and guides our broader approach to incorporating Indigenous perspectives in our monitoring and oversight activities, and enhancing our communication and engagement with Indigenous communities. We recognize the importance of maintaining Indigenous communities’ involvement in the oversight of these projects and incorporating Indigenous perspectives through the IAMC Indigenous Monitors. We are grateful for the opportunities that the IAMC provides and we had Indigenous Monitors participate in 27 inspections, emergency response exercises or compliance verification meetings with the CER.
This Report provides a detailed summary, in each of our core responsibilities, of our achievements in 2019-20.
2020 also marked the retirement of CER Chief Executive Officer Peter Watson. I want to thank Peter for the knowledge he shared with the organization over the past several years. His unwavering commitment to creating systematic improvements in the way the CER approached its work - striving to be a modern and excellent regulator - kept our focus on the path forward.
Lastly, 2019-20 was a remarkable year for another reason. On March 16, I wrote an email to all of the 500+ dedicated public servants who work at the CER to tell them not to come to the office the next day because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic dramatically changed the way we all lived and worked. While it may not have been business as usual, the extraordinary professionals of the CER transitioned seamless to working from home and responded with innovation, creative solutions and commitment to ensure business continuity and the safety of our employees and those we work with.
The original version was signed by
Sandy Lapointe,
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Canada Energy Regulator