ARCHIVED – Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Edmonton to Hardisty Pipeline Project - OH-001-2013
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- Project Information
- Process Advisor - Support to Hearing Participants
- News Releases
- Regulatory Documents
- Contact Information
- Applicant's Website
Project Information
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. (Enbridge) filed an application on 14 December 2012 asking the National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) for approval to construct and operate a new pipeline approximately 181 km in length to transport crude oil from Enbridge’s existing Edmonton Terminal to its Hardisty Terminal (the Project).
The Project application also includes the construction and operation of a new initiating pump station at Enbridge’s Edmonton Terminal, construction and operation of two new pump stations at its existing Kingman and Strome stations, as well as associated facilities and infrastructure at its Edmonton and Hardisty Terminals.
The proposed pipeline right-of-way (RoW) for the Project will be alongside and contiguous to an existing Enbridge pipeline RoW and other linear disturbances for approximately 96.6% of its length.
If approved, the proposed pipeline would deliver crude oil to other existing pipelines and facilities located in the Hardisty area, including delivery onto the Enbridge Mainline system.

Process Advisor - Support to Hearing Participants
The NEB has assigned a Process Advisor for this Project. The Process Advisor’s role is to support the public (e.g., landowners, concerned citizens, environmental non-governmental organizations) and the Aboriginal groups that are participating in public hearings.
Process Advisor - Support for Hearing Participants
News Releases
- 2014-01-30
NEB Recommends Approving Enbridge’s Edmonton to Hardisty Pipeline Project - 2013-10-02
Allocation of Funds for Participation in the Public Hearing for the Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Edmonton to Hardisty Project - 2013-03-11
NEB Announces Public Hearing for Enbridge's Edmonton to Hardisty - 2013-01-17
Funding available to participate in the NEB's regulatory process regarding the Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Edmonton to Hardisty Pipeline Project
Regulatory Documents
- 2014-01-30
Recommendation [Filing A56736] - 2013-11-05
Procedural Update No. 3 - Oral Hearing, Part II on Enbridge's Supplemental Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment and Final Argument [Filing A55099] - 2013-09-24
Procedural Update No. 2 - Hearing Time and Oral Hearing Participation Update, Procedural Directives and Exhibit List [Filing A54335] - 2013-05-08
Procedural Update No. 1: List of Participants and Updated Timetable of Event [Filing A51771] - 2013-03-11
Application to Participate Form - Appendix V [Filing A50766]
The application period to submit an application to participate in this hearing process is now closed. - 2013-03-11
Hearing Order OH-001-2013 [Filing A50766] - 2012-12-14
Enbridge Edmonton to Hardisty Pipeline Project Application [Folder 930366] - 2012-09-28
Enbridge Edmonton to Hardisty Pipeline Project Description [Filing A47915] - 2012-09-28
Regulatory documents related to this project [Folder 895427]
Contact Information
Media Relations Team
Canada Energy Regulator
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Applicant's Website
- Date modified: