Electricity Trade Summary

Download the full dataset - updated December 2024

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This data is compiled from the CER’s monthly Commodity Statistics reports. For the latest export and import volume data, including updates and revisions, please see the Commodity Statistics page. Some figures below, such as weighted average prices by region, use data that is only available in the above data file.

On this page:

Export and Import Volumes

Figure 1: Electricity Trade by Year or Month

Source and Description

Source: CER Commodity Tracking System Statistics: Table 1 – Exports and Imports of Electricity Summary

Figure Description: This figure shows yearly and monthly electricity exports, net exports, and imports over a five-year period. The data is compiled in the Excel file at the top of this page. For the latest export and import volume data, including updates and revisions, please see the Commodity Statistics page.

Figure 2: Electricity Export Flows

Source and Description

Source: CER Commodity Tracking System Statistics: Table 2A – Export Summary Report by Source; and Table 3A – Export Sales Summary Report by Destination

Figure Description: This figure shows yearly electricity flows over a five-year period exported (gross) from Canadian provinces to five U.S. geographical regions: the West, Midwest, and the East, which is further divided up into the PJM (Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland) Interconnection, the NYISO (New York Independent System Operator) and the ISO-NE (the Independent System Operator of New England). The data is compiled in the linked file at the top of this page. For the latest export and import volume data, including updates and revisions, please see the Commodity Statistics page.

Values and Prices

Figure 3: Electricity Trade Values by Year or Month

Source and Description

Source: CER Commodity Tracking System Statistics: Table 1 – Exports and Imports of Electricity Summary

Figure Description: This figure shows yearly and monthly electricity export and import values over a five-year period. The data is available in the Excel file at the top of this page. For the latest export and import volume data, including updates and revisions, please see the Commodity Statistics page.

Figure 4: Regional Electricity Trade Prices

Source and Description

Source: CER Commodity Tracking System Statistics: Table 1 – Exports and Imports of Electricity Summary

Figure Description: This figure shows monthly electricity export and import prices since 2010. The data is available in the Excel file at the top of this page. For the latest export and import volume data, including updates and revisions, please see the Commodity Statistics page.


In Figure 2, note that some small trade flows have been omitted, including the electricity exported from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Nova Scotia. Also in Figure 2, map boundaries are grouped by state and may not precisely show regions based on electricity market operators. The U.S. East is further divided into the PJM (the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection), NYISO (the New York Independent System Operator) and ISO-NE (the Independent System Operator of New England) markets.

In Figure 4, the ‘West’ includes British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The ‘East’ includes Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Also in Figure 4, the average prices are made up of many individual transactions exported or imported to the various markets of sale.

Complete data for all figures can be downloaded from the file at the top of this page. For more information about electricity markets, refer to the CER’s Market Snapshots and Analysis and Publications.

TWh = Terrawatt hours
MWh = Megawatt hours
$/MWh = Canadian dollars per megawatt hour
The value of electricity trade includes capacity charges.

Contact cts-ssp@cer-rec.gc.ca for further information.

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