By the Numbers: Line 3 Replacement Project

The Project

1,096 – Approximate total length of new pipe to be installed, in kilometres (or slightly longer than the Assiniboine River)

15 – Expected length of construction, in months

48 – Years the existing Line 3 pipeline has been in service

760,000 barrels per day – Expected average daily capacity of Line 3

24,493 – Estimated number of direct and indirect jobs to be generated by the project

The National Energy Board Review

357 – Length of the NEB’s review process in working days

650 – Number of pages of hearing transcripts

700 – Approximate number of pieces of evidence on the record

39 – Number of Intervenors

26 – Number of participants who provided the NEB with a Letter of Comment

14 – Number of Indigenous Groups who provided Oral Traditional Evidence

8 – Number of oral hearing days

The Report

3 – Number of provinces where Enbridge will be required to hold Emergency Response Exercises

89 – Total number of project conditions imposed by the NEB

3 – Number of years before the NEB’s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity expires

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