2022–23 Annual Report of the Canada Energy Regulator – What the Future Holds

Sunset over farmland with hay bales

In 2023–24, the CER will focus on executing the final year of its three-year Strategic Plan and delivering on its Core Responsibilities and will continue to share progress on its initiatives with Canadians. The CER Board of Directors will undertake a strategic planning exercise and review the current Strategic Plan and Priorities to determine updates for the 2024–25 to 2026–27 timeframe.

The current and renewed Strategic Plan will continue to guide the CER’s work with a bold vision and priorities for the future of the organization.

The plan’s strategic priorities are established in four areas and outline the plans for the next fiscal year:

  • Trust and Confidence: The CER will continue to assess the implementation to date of the recommendations of the Diversity and Belonging Roadmap and continue working on the remaining recommendations. These include providing evidence-based training to prevent and respond to misconduct for staff and leaders, providing and publishing aggregated data on misconduct and actions taken, and creating CER-specific leadership development program to support career advancement of all staff members, including members of underrepresented groups. It will also begin implementation of the long-term Hybrid Workplace Approach and the multi-year Strategic Workforce Plan. Building on the National Engagement Strategy, the CER will develop an Engagement Centre of Expertise, and a National Engagement Plan. A new CER Engagement Centre of Expertise will support the implementation of the strategy, guided by the critical elements of the framework. The National Engagement Plan will provide a consolidated picture of the CER’s planned engagements and prioritize deliverables across the organization to strengthen its internal alignment and coordination of engagement efforts. The CER will also leverage EF2023 to build Canadians’ awareness and confidence in the CER through speaking events, trade shows, media interviews and other communications.
  • Reconciliation: The CER will continue to take steps to implement the UN Declaration and UNDA Action Plan and advance the work of the IAMCs and the CER’s Indigenous Monitoring Program under the guidance and advice of the Board and the IAC. It will also implement planning, training, and other supports and guidance for CER staff for the Indigenous Recruitment, Retention and Advancement Strategy and the Indigenous Procurement Strategy.
  • Competitiveness: The CER will create more innovations to enhance clarity in regulatory requirements, streamlining processes, and new regulatory approaches. The CER will also solidify its newly-established engagement mechanism with regulated industry, share ESG-related information through energy information publications and increase its readiness for its regulatory role for hydrogen. The CER will publish EF2023, which will be a fully-modelled analysis of the pathways to net zero emissions for the Canadian energy system, thereby driving innovation to contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • Data and Digital Innovation: The CER will continue to invest in creating a data and digital innovation culture and systems to deliver its mandate more effectively. Among other vital projects planned for the next year will be the improvement of the CER’s digital tools for interactions during adjudication processes, which will improve efficiency, transparency, and accessibility.
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